Thursday, May 26, 2011

Context is King!

Context is King!  Context is King!  These words still ring in my ears today.  They first came to my ears through the voice of my New Testament Greek professor in seminary.  He drove into our heads the importance of exploring the context surrounding God’s words in understanding the truths of scripture.  I have found that context doesn’t just end there though.  You see as I personalize or apply God’s word, I must bring those truths learned into my world, my context. 

God's truths are eternal and universal, however context changes from life to life, church to church and time to time.  God’s truth produces different pictures in different contexts.  The application of God’s truth will look much different in the life of a single mother struggling to make her next electric bill than to a corporate executive with a vacation home at the shore.  Both are in desperate need of God’s truth to lead, guide and direct their lives, but how the truth lives in action looks different.

Even though God’s truth is unchanging and universal, context makes a huge difference in the application of that truth.

I was recently sitting down with a young Bible College student and shared this lesson.  Many times, through colleges, conferences and even Christian books we are told how someone has lived out God’s truth with great success.  Many see this success and reason that simply copying those actions will lead to personal and ministry success.  Unfortunately, when these actions are taken out of the context of an individual’s life or a specific ministry, they too often fail to produce the desired results.  True transformation and effectiveness requires that God’s unchanging truths take root right where we are.

I want to encourage you today to not only do the diligent work of understanding God’s truth, but also be equally diligent in understanding your own context so that God’s truth finds a home right where you are.  This may mean allowing God to reveal the real you to you or taking the time to get to know your community where God has placed you to make an impact.  God does not share His truth for no reason, God's truth is given to transform us making us more like Him.

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.  Psalm 86:11 (ESV) 

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